to the web site of ACITEC, Inc.
ACITEC specializes in the design and engineering of chemical processing
systems for Hydrogen Fluoride (HF), Hydrofluoric Acid and Nitric Acid.
Our design services include:
- Manufacturing operations
- Bulk storage facilities & related piping systems
- Wastewater treatment systems
- Fume scrubber systems

We can assist you with:
- Modifications, repairs and upgrades to your
existing processes
- Environmental issues
- Safety HF awareness
Whether your end product is an ultra high-purity
specialty chemical or chemically milled parts for your customer, ACITEC's
end product is a satisfied customer.
Please browse our pages & feel free to contact
us with your questions.

13519 W. 130th Street
North Royalton, OH 44133
Phone: (440) 582-0304
Fax: (440) 582-8094
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